Three Easy Steps to Lessen Hearing Loss

Professional carpenter workplace with protective headphones, personal protection for work at woodwork production workshop.

Isn’t pizza interesting? You can adjust the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses involved, but as long as it meets a few basic factors, it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is similar. But as long as you have trouble hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss whether it’s due to genetic factors, age, obstructions, or exposure to loud noise.

Limiting the damage is the first thing you should do when confronted with hearing loss of any type. There are, after all, some simple measures you can take to protect your ears and minimize further hearing loss.

Tip 1: Keep your ears clean

Did you clean behind your ears? It’s one of those childhood hygiene lessons you learn, or should have learned, right? When it comes to hearing health, we aren’t concerned with the places behind your ears, but rather inside of your ears.

Keeping your ears clear of wax buildup can improve your hearing in several different ways:

  • Earwax accumulation also impedes the functionality of your hearing aid if you use one. This may make you think that your hearing is going.
  • Your chance of developing an ear infection is elevated if your ears aren’t kept clean and that can result in inflammation which will impede your hearing. Your hearing will normally go back to normal after the infection clears.
  • When wax accumulation becomes significant, it can prevent soundwaves from getting into your inner ear. When this takes place you won’t be able to hear as well.

A cotton swab is absolutely not the correct tool to use to clear any earwax that you may have noticed out and is strongly discouraged. Cotton swabs can lead to damage and will almost always worsen the situation. Instead, use over-the-counter ear drops.

Tip 2: Really loud sounds should be avoided

This is so obvious that it kind of goes without saying. But what exactly comprises a “loud sound”? For instance, highway travel can be loud enough to harm your ears over a long amount of time. Your ears can also be harmed by regular usage of your lawn mower. As you can see, it’s not just blaring speakers or loud rock concerts that harm your ears.

Here are some ways to avoid loud, harmful noises.:

  • When you’re listening to tunes or viewing videos, keep your headphone volume at safe levels. Most phones include built-in warnings when you’re nearing a hazardous threshold.
  • When decibel levels become dangerously loud, you can use an app on your phone to alert you.
  • When you have to be in a loud environment, use hearing protection. Are you working on the floor of a noisy factory? It’s okay if you want to attend that rock concert. But use the required ear protection. You can get enough protection with modern earmuffs and earplugs.

There’s a gradual development to hearing loss that’s caused by loud sound. So don’t just presume that your hearing is fine after a noisy event, even if it feels fine. We can only help you determine if you have hearing loss if you call for an appointment.

Tip 3: Address any hearing loss you may have

In general, hearing loss is progressive. You’ll be in a better position to stop additional damage if you recognize your hearing loss early on. When it comes to hearing loss, that’s why treatment is so crucial. Effective treatments (on which you follow through) will put your hearing in the best possible situation.

Here’s how treatments work:

  • When you come in for a consultation we will give you personalized instructions and advice to help you avoid additional damage to your ears.
  • Hearing aids can stop some, but not all, damage. If you’re wearing hearing aids, for instance, you won’t always have to turn volumes up to damaging levels. This will prevent further noise-related damage.
  • Hearing loss-related health conditions that are worsened by social solitude and brain strain can be prevented by wearing hearing aids.

Minimize hearing loss – it will benefit you over the long haul

While we know that hearing loss can’t be cured, hearing specialists are working hard to limit further damage to your ears. Treatment of hearing loss is typically one of the primary approaches to that. The right treatment will help you protect your current level of hearing and stop it from getting worse.

When you use ear protection, practice good hygiene, and get hearing loss treatment with us, you’re taking the correct measures to minimize hearing loss while also giving yourself the best chance of healthy hearing in the future.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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    ACL Hearing & Balance

    Baton Rouge, LA

    7952 Goodwood BlvdBaton Rouge, LA 70806

    Call Us: 225-529-0450Fax: 225-927-7910

    Mon - Fri, 8:00am – 4:30pm

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    Central, LA

    11424 Sullivan Rd Bldg A
    Suite B-2 Central
    Baton Rouge, LA 70818

    Call Us: 225-438-8520Fax: 225-927-7910

    Wed, 9:00am – 3:00pm
    Thurs, 8:00am – 4:30pm

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